
Role play is learning activity in which one or more students are required to act or pretend to be someone other than themselves. The application of knowledge in real situations enable student deal with complex social interaction. Since it involves students because of the realism, it is usually time consuming and students may forget about their learning. The disadvantages from role play comes from some students who:
  • do not take it seriously.
  • become overinvolved.
  • are reluctant because lack of confidence.
  • are not able to play in credible way.
  • for observers, lack skills to analyse and only watching.
To successfully implement role play, I have to prepare the resource material, select carefully students who are confident for early attempt and  less confident to support roles, explain learning outcome for students participating directly and indirectly (observe, note taking), and then brief them on their role.

"Role-playing can be hard work for the instructor, both in preparation and in execution, but the work tends to pay off in terms of student motivation and accomplishment"
~Science Education Resource Center Carleton College~

After role play, I will bring discussion about their role play world and real world, evaluate, and debriefing to reflect on what happened and consolidate learning with focus on actors and observers separately. Last, praise all of students.


  1. Hello Sir, I heard that my daughter Rada often skip class, distract others in group, and even mess up in class activities. I apologize for my daughter's behaviour, but could you please assist her? If any think concern you about Rada, please tell me. I will gladly hear it from you.

  1. Hi Mr., nice to meet you. Please do not be worry, I will happily assist Rada in class. Frankly yes, Rada did not take class seriously but it was also my fault to not pay attention to her. I believe that I need to engage her more for her to be cooperative in class. In order to do that, I would like to hear more about Rada from you, such as things that can catch her attention. Thanks for your cooperation.